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4th Steering Commitee Meeting

On July 2-3, 2024, took place the last meeting of the ERASMUS+ project consortium “COOPERA – Integrating Dual Higher Education in Moldova and Ukraine” (Reference number: 617490-EPP-1-2020-1-MD-EPPKA2-CBHE- SP), co-financed by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union.

The event was organized with the physical presence of European partners and partner institutions from Moldova and Ukraine and hosted by the Academy of Economic Studies from Moldova (ASEM), the coordinating institution of the COOPERA project.

The meeting was chaired by Ms. Olesea SÎRBU, Vice-Rector for International Relations and European Projects, COOPERA grant coordinator. The main purpose of the event was to present the results of the implementation of the tasks provided by the project based on the operational plan and to analyse the challenges they faced during the project’s implementation phase.

The first day of the consortium meeting was dedicated to exploitation of the project’s results, obtained by partner institutions from Moldova and Ukraine and was based on detailed presentation of piloting of dual study programmes. Session was followed by presentation of the dissemination actions realised by partner institutions during the project lifetime and preparation for final dissemination report. The day was concluded by discussions around sustainability, exploitation and impact maximization of the results obtained.

The second day of the consortium meeting was dedicated to preparation for final activity and financial reporting, to be realised by project coordination team and whole consortium. All partners had a chance to express and discuss any issues related to implementation of project’s activities, submission of any paperwork related to project financial management. The event was finalised by individual sessions of partner institutions and coordination team.

The consortium meeting also provided an opportunity to strengthen collaboration between universities, share experiences, identify synergies and develop strategies to ensure cooperation and efficiency of actions after the completion of the COOPERA project.

The event agency can be consulted by accessing the following link.